Gesior A.A.C 0.3.5 v6

Gesior A.A.C 0.3.5 v6
  • Version 6: (loleslav)
  • Fixed death list (by quas) in characters.php (by me)
  • Added signatures to characters.php (by me)
  • Fixed outfiut shower (by pening) in characters.php (by me)
  • Added OTForum by paxton (by me)
  • Moved and fixed OTForum config [you not must config forum only admin and pass in gesior config.php] (by me)
  • Updated whoisonline.php[how many voc online/rs shower (by emma)
  • Fixed how many voc online/rs shower [connect to database](by me)
  • Fixed whoisonline.php [added Players Online Chart user server id from configured in config.php] (by me)
  • updated killstatistics.php (by quas)
  • Added Mass emails sender (by norix)
  • Added Show balance in characters.php (by Aeron)
  • Fixed colors in guilds.php,characters.php,highscores.php (by me)
  • updated install.php (by me)
  • Fixed OTS_Player.php (by me)
  • Fixed to 0.3.5 tfs
Para instalar
Todos los archivos se ponen dentro de la carpeta htdoc (borrar antes lo que tenga) que se encuentra en el XAMPP, que por defecto se copia en C://. Escribe en el navegador http://ip/install.php y borrar todos los comentarios que vienen dentro del config.lua los reconoceremos porque antes viene un (--)guiones seguidos.



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